Hot Topics in Cyber-Law 2020

Posted on in Presentations

ABA information security leaders kick off the Law Track with the annual panel on critical emerging legal issues. Hot Topics will give attendees a practical snapshot of developments in cyber-law and litigation, policy and industry frameworks. Focus is on emerging issues from crypto-currencies, IOT/CPS, cloud, privacy/civil liberties, cyber-conflict and the international technology marketplace.

Pre-Requisites: Basic high school background in Civics/US History (or US naturalization course on the basics of the U.S. Constitution) helpful to understand legal posture of issues (e.g.--difference between a "bill" and a "law/statute"). Non-U.S. persons may derive less benefit from discussions if they are unfamiliar with basics of the U.S. policy/legal system.

Michael Aisenberg


Chair, Information Security Committee, American Bar Association (ABA)

Catherine Barrett


Cyber Policy, Principal, MITRE Corp.

Lucy Thomson


Principal, Livingston PLLC

Stephen Wu


Shareholder, Silicon Valley Law Group

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