Gabe Mounce
Director, Space Force Accelerators and AFWERX Space Prime Co-Lead, SpaceWERX Innovation Office, United States Space Force
Director, Space Force Accelerators and AFWERX Space Prime Co-Lead, SpaceWERX Innovation Office, United States Space Force
Gabe Mounce directs the Space Force Accelerator Program for the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) in New Mexico. In this capacity, he oversees startup accelerators in Albuquerque (Hyperspace Accelerator) and Colorado Springs (Catalyst Accelerator) focused on connecting the entrepreneurial startup community to the US Space Force enterprise. He is also the Technology Commercialization Lead for AFRL in New Mexico where he oversees all aspects of technology transfer, community engagement and outreach, congressional interactions, and marketing and publicity for Directed Energy and Space Vehicle technology. He recently assumed the role as the Deputy Director of the new US Space Force SpaceWERX Innovation Hub and co-leads the Space Prime initiative.