Nation-States Behaving Badly: The Evolving Rules of the Game in Cyberspace

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Cyberspace is regularly described in the media (and by cybersecurity vendors) as a lawless domain with few constraints on major players such as nation-states, but do the facts actually bear that out? This panel will review recent events to explore trends in behavior and whether any standards of conduct are evolving that constructively limit nation-state cyber-behavior.

Learning Objectives:
1: Explore if nation-state cyber-behavior today is different from historic behavior in other domains.
2: Discuss if nation-state cyber-behavior is trending in a positive or negative direction.
3: Understand if there emerging norms for how nations respond to misbehavior.
Tom Corcoran


Head of Cyber Security, Farmers Insurance Group

James Lewis


Senior Vice President, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Dr. Catherine Lotrionte


Professor, Georgetown University

Paul Rosenzweig


Principal, Red Branch Consulting PLLC

Rob Strayer


Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cyber and International Communications and Information Policy, US Department of State

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