Awareness at Scale: Creating Risk-Aware Cultures in Big Companies

Posted on in Presentations

Getting employees to take their annual security awareness training is hard at any company. But imagine how hard it is to run a multifaceted, multimedia awareness program for thousands or millions of employees spread across the globe, often not even sharing a common language. That’s security awareness at scale—and it’s got challenges and triumphs our panelists are eager to explore.

Learning Objectives:
1: Identify key objectives that should guide an awareness program.
2: Identify key pitfalls that derail programs and some strategies to avoid them.
3: Consider the measurable metrics you will use to communicate program success.

Kemi Okutubo


Senior Information Security Manager, International Monetary Fund

Tom Pendergast


Chief Learning Officer, MediaPro

Ellen Powers


Information Security Awareness Strategist, Manager, Intel Corporation

Deborah Walter


Manager, Information Security Training and Awareness, AmerisourceBergen

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