IoT and Critical Infrastructures: A Collision of Fundamentals?

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SMEs from law and technology policy will examine the challenges of competing interests in IoT/IIoT deployment, including the proliferation of standards, the risk of elevation of revenue over responsibility and the threats to the realization of the connected technologies’ promise from failures to understand the risks inherent for consumers, businesses and infrastructures and society at large.

Learning Objectives:
1: Learn about the US IoT regulatory landscape.
2: Explore strategies and options for accommodating to present norms.
3: Hear the forecast for law policy, standards and related ethical challenges.
Allan Friedman


Senior Advisor and Strategist, CISA

Greg Fryer


Partner, Verrill Dana LLP

Bruce Heiman


Partner, Practice Area leader, K&L Gates

Robert Metzger


Head of Washington Office, Rogers Joseph O’Donnell, PC

Steven Teppler


Chief Cybersecurity/Legal Officer, Mandelbaum Barrett PC

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