The CISO Speaks: Integrity Matters, and Things that Matter Aren’t Easy

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The CISO Speaks: Integrity Matters, and Things that Matter Aren’t Easy

October 28, 2020 | 10:00 AM PT | 1:00 PM ET

Many a CISO has at least one story to share about the challenges they’ve had to endure in their roles. In this CISO Speaks webcast, we’ll hear from several CISOs who had been in the challenging position of being asked to compromise their integrity. How did they handle it? What happened, and what advice do they have to offer for others? Join us for a frank and fair discussion about why integrity matters and why making the decision to have integrity can all too often be a very difficult choice.

Jerry Davis

Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer, Pacific Gas & Electric

Pamela Fusco

Chairman and Founder, CBG and ZuluTails

Juan Gomez-Sanchez

Global Information Security Officer, Whirlpool Corp.

Malcolm Harkins

Chief Security & Trust Officer, Hidden Layer

practitioner perspectives professional development & workforce

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