Empower Your Defenses: New Cloud Tools for Securing Vital Applications

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Empower Your Defenses: New Cloud Tools for Securing Vital Applications

July 31, 2024 | 11:00 AM PT | 2:00 PM ET

The cloud offers more than just a bucket for data and applications to be delivered "as a service." Isolated virtual environments, air gap gateways, recovery tools, virtual networking, immutable storage, clean rooms, and new security tools such as scanners and AI are all a part of the next generation of cyber security solutions against advanced threats.




This webcast is sponsored by Varonis. Varonis is a leader in data security. Their cloud-native Data Security Platform continuously discovers and classifies critical data, removes exposures, and detects threats.

David Mitchell

Senior Product Manager, IBM Cloud Global Solutions

Hackers & Threats

cloud security Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning application security

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