DANGER! Tips for Dealing with a Panicked C-suite During a Ransomware Event: Top-Rated Session Follow Up with Carol & Edward

Broadcast on in Top-Rated Session Follow Ups

March 22, 2023 | DANGER! Tips for Dealing with a Panicked C-suite During a Ransomware Event: Top-Rated Session Follow Up with Carol & Edward
11:00 AM ET | 8:00 AM PT

When a ransomware event occurs, you better know how to communicate well with stressed brains. Learn to interpret natural reactions and the C-suite's key needs to can best prioritize actions and help maintain a level of calm within the organization. Current neuroscience research is referenced so participants come away with solid techniques to improve their team's performance. Be sure to review Carol and Edward's original session and come to this interactive follow up prepared to listen and learn with Carol and Edward and other attendees who are similarly interested in this topic as they deliver a quick summary of their session, share new insights they’ve had since the presentation was delivered, and engage with you and your questions on this topic.

Watch the original session on demand, anytime.

View Original Session

Carol Barkes


Conflict Resolution Consultant | Speaker | Best Selling Author, NeuroMediation Group

Edward Vasko


Director, Institute for Pervasive Cybersecurity, Boise State University

C-Suite View Human Element Risk Management & Governance

incident response threat management professional development & workforce innovation

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