Our Own Worst Enemy: Tackling the Social Engineering Problem

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As it turns out, the weakest link in any cybersecurity solution is…us. More than ever, hackers are using a variety of social engineering scams designed to fool people into giving up personal information voluntarily. So how do you protect us from ourselves? Join hosts Britta Glade and Hugh Thompson and their guests Ira Winkler of Secure Mentem and Lance Hayden of Elligo Health Research for a wide-ranging discussion on what to do about the human problem, including establishing protocols, creating a Human Security Officer position and more.


Britta Glade

Senior Vice President, Content & Communities, RSAC

Lance Hayden

Chief Privacy and Security Officer, Elligo Health Research

Hugh Thompson

Executive Chairman, RSAC & Program Committee Chair, RSA Conference

Ira Winkler

CISO, CYE Security

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