Data Encryption: Methods, Challenges & Best Practices

Posted on by Tatyana Sanchez

Data encryption converts readable messages into unreadable by using different types of methods. Data encryption is crucial for protecting sensitive information, for example, if an encrypted email comes across a hacker, that hacker will most likely not be able to read the sensitive information because of the encryption. This blog will delve into data encryption and the best practices to ensure robust data security.

Understanding Data Encryption

As stated earlier, data encryption makes sensitive information unreadable for those who aren’t authorized to read the information. Its purpose is to protect data from being stolen, changed, or compromised. Data encryption turns plaintext into ciphertext.

Below outlines the difference between the two:

Plaintext: Is readable information where anyone who comes across a message or email, can easily read the information due to it not being encrypted.

Ciphertext: Is unreadable information. It takes the plaintext and puts in a code to keep the information a “secret” and can only be read by those who have a “key.”

Turning a plaintext into a ciphertext is known as encryption and hackers try to decrypt a ciphertext to plaintext, so they can access the sensitive information. Understanding the two terms and how they are different is key to safeguarding your data.

Types of Data Encryption

There are a few types of data encryption, below outlines two of them.

Symmetric Encryption:

Laura Shea stated in her RSA Conference presentation, “We call encryption symmetric when the key is the same for both parties.” Symmetric encryption uses only one key for both parties to encrypt and decrypt the data. Below outlines common symmetric encryption algorithms.

Advance Encryption Standard (AES): Is a symmetric encryption algorithm that puts the sensitive data through multiple encryptions and turns the data into smaller blocks of 128 to 256 bits. Using a 256-bit encryption key is theoretically unbreakablestrengthening data security measures.

Twofish: Similar to AES, it encrypts 128-bit data blocks and encrypts data in 16 rounds— no matter the size of the key. The difference is, twofish has a more complex key schedule as opposed to AES.

Data Encryption Standard (DES): Was the first encryption algorithm the US approved. It’s a block cipher and does several rounds of encryption using a 64-bit key.

Asymmetric Encryption:

Unlike symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption uses two different keys. Asymmetric uses a public key for encrypting and a private key for decrypting data. 

Below outlines common symmetric encryption algorithms.

Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA): It encrypts data from one point of communication to another. It depends on the prime factorization of two large randomized prime numbersmaking it extremely difficult for hackers to decrypt the message.

Elliptical Curvey Cryptography (ECC): Is an alternative to RSA, it uses a mathematical process to merge two distinct keys and then use the output to encrypt and decrypt. One is a public key, and the other is a private key only known by the sender and receiver of the data.

Symmetric and asymmetric encryptions are two of the most common types of encryption and algorithms used to encrypt and decrypt data. It allows for a user or organization to securely send sensitive data across the Internet.

Data Encryption Best Practices

Using encryption is crucial when sending sensitive data online, it allows an organization to send information on the Internet while ensuring their data is secured. But using data encryption isn’t enough, an organization must also follow data encryption best practices to safeguard their data. Below highlights best practices for data encryption.

Encrypting all Sensitive Data: An organization should encrypt all sensitive data to protect their data from hackers. Many think they only need to encrypt data when in transit, but they also need to when data is at rest, meaning when data is stored in files in the hosting operation systems. This is important because if a hacker gets ahold of that file or sensitive data, the data could be read in clear text (if not encrypted). Encrypted data adds an additional layer of security. 

Regular Updates & Patching: Organizations should always update and patch any software or systems as it’s an important defense strategy to counter cyberattacks. Regularly updating and patching encryption software help protect against vulnerabilities and limit the number of potential entry points for hackers to get into.

Regular Audits & Assessments: Performing regular audits and assessments of an encryption process is crucial to identify vulnerabilities and have a proactive approach to identify and mitigate potential threats. 

Use Strong & Complex Encryption Keys: Similar to passwords, an organization should use strong and challenging encryptions keys as this is the first line of defense against unauthorized access. Other tips include, avoid reusing keys, separate keys from the data, and rotate keys on a schedule

Multi-Layered Security Strategies: Finally, organizations must implement multi-layered security strategies in conjunction with encryption to protect their data and information.

Using the best practices above helps organizations implement a strong data encryption strategy while minimizing risks.

Common Challenges in Data Encryption

There are many benefits to using data encryption but there’s also challenges and pitfalls in implementing data encryption. The first challenge is properly securing of encryptions keys, as the keys allow parties to encrypt and decrypt data. As Nicolas Lidzborski stated in his RSA Conference 2022 presentation, “Provisioning and management of keys is typically complex and requires additional software and services.” Another challenge is the integration of encryption with existing systems and applications. Encryption can cause compatibility issues with some devices and applications that organizations have inside their network and can require expensive, complicated hardware and software. Lastly, like passwords, encryption keys can be cracked using brute force attacks. 

For organizations to overcome these challenges, they should create strong keys that are lengthy and generated randomly to avoid attacks like brute force attacks. It’s also important to make sure a company has the right devices and applications that are compatible with encryption keys to avoid disruptions or delays. Organizations should secure by design from start to finish and monitor after encryption keys have been deployed and follow the best practices listed in this blog.


It’s important for organizations to adhere to data encryption best practices listed in this blog and to have a fundamental understanding of data encryption and how it works. Also understanding different types of encryptions and algorithms is critical to know which encryption method works best for your organization. Organizations and cyber professionals are strongly urged to stay informed about the latest developments in data encryption to maintain robust data security. To learn more about data encryption, we invite you to visit our marketplace, where we have an array of cybersecurity vendors and service providers who can assist with your encryption needs.

Tatyana Sanchez

Content & Program Coordinator, RSAC

Protecting Data & the Supply Chain Ecosystem

Encryption hackers & threats risk management authentication patch vulnerability & configuration management risk & vulnerability assessment software integrity

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