Simon Roses Femerling
Chief Executive Officer, VULNEX
Chief Executive Officer, VULNEX
Simon Roses Femerling holds a B.S. from Suffolk University (Boston), Postgraduate in E-Commerce from Harvard University (Boston) and Executive M.B.A. from IE Business School (IE, Madrid). Currently, Roses Femerling is the CEO at VULNEX, driving security innovation. Formerly he worked at Microsoft, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and @Stake. He has authored and cooperated in several security Open Source projects like OWASP Pantera and LibExploit. He has also published security advisories in commercial products. He was awarded a DARPA Cyber Fast Track (CFT) grant to research on software security. He is a frequent speaker at security industry events including BLACK HAT, RSA, OWASP, AppSec, SOURCE, DeepSec and Microsoft Security Technets.