Marcelo Branquinho
Executive Director, TI Safe
Executive Director, TI Safe
Marcelo Branquinho is a SCADA security expert and an electrical engineer who specializes in computer systems. Branquinho has an M.B.A. in Business Management and is currently serving as the Executive Director of TI Safe Segurança da Informação. A senior member of ISA International, he has over 15 years in the field of critical infrastructures and SCADA Systems and is the coordinator of the TI Safe´s Security Automation Training, the first Brazilian in this segment. He is also a member of the ANSI/ISA Committee at the WG5 TG2 Gap Analysis Task Group that is revising the ANSI/ISA-99 standard. He is a published author and frequent presenter of technical papers. He earned his M.B.A. and Computing Systems Engineering degrees from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.