Kristin Lovejoy
President, Acuity/BluVector
President, Acuity/BluVector
Kris Lovejoy is a recognized expert on security, risk, compliance and governance with recent keynotes at the Israel Defense Conference, CyberTech 2015, the International Association of Privacy Professionals, SecTor and Hack-in-the-Box, as well as appearances in Forbes, Fortune, the Christion Science Monitor and USA Today. In 2014, she was featured in SC Magazine’s Reboot 25 as one of the world’s Top 25 Security Managers, 2012 Compass Award Winner by CSO Magazine, an E-Week 2012 Top Women in Information Security, Top 25 CTO by InfoWorld, and a Top 25 Most Influential Security Exec by Security Magazine. Most recently, Lovejoy received the EWF 2015 Women of Influence Award, Private Solutions Provider. Lovejoy holds U.S. and EU patents for Object Oriented Risk Management Models and Methods.