Ken Palla
Former Director of Online Security for Commercial and Retail Customers @ MUFG, Palla Consulting
Former Director of Online Security for Commercial and Retail Customers @ MUFG, Palla Consulting
Ken was a Director at MUFG Union Bank focusing on online security before retiring in early 2019. He helped shape the initial responses to the U.S. 2005 and 2011 FFIEC Regulatory Guidance to improve online security for US Banks. Ken is currently on The Knoble Scam Committee and has recently published three white papers: the need to focus on online customer safety; online authentication; and how to select a multi-factor authentication solution. He blogs on consumer financial scams and focuses on reimbursements by financial institutions. In 2019, he received the Legends of Fraud Award at the 3rd annual FraudCON conference in Israel. He currently consults for banks and online security vendors.