Ernie Brickell
Security CPT Architecture, Intel
Security CPT Architecture, Intel
Ernie Brickell is the Chief Security Architect at Intel. He runs the Security Architecture Forum which is the decision making body on security architecture at Intel. He is responsible for review and approval of all security architectures across all products at Intel and evaluating new technologies for their impact on security and privacy of Intel platforms. He is also responsible for developing priorities for path finding for security technologies. Ernie has been working in cryptology and security for 30 years. He has chaired, been a program chair, and been an invited speaker at the annual Crypto and Eurocrypt conferences. He was the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cryptology, and served as editorial board member for 12 years. Ernie has focused his recent personal research on privacy protocols. He developed with coauthors, Jan Camenish and Liqun Chen, the Direct Anonymous Attestation protocol so that a hardware device could provide a proof that it was a trusted device without revealing the identity of the device. With coauthor Jiangtao Li, he developed the Enhanced Privacy ID, which improved the revocation capability so that an anonymous signer of a message could be revoked. Earlier in his career, Ernie received a reward from the author for breaking the Merkle Hellman knapsack cryptosystem. He also invented protocols for secure audio teleconferencing as well as a private, yet traceable, electronic cash system, and developed a classification for ideal secret sharing schemes.