Douglas Wikström
Assistant Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Douglas Wikström has done research in cryptography and cryptographic protocols for more than 10 years. Some of his work focuses on mix-nets, which are used to securely tally the result in many electronic voting systems. Wikström has defined the security of mix-nets in the UC framework and constructed provably secure schemes, but he has also successfully attacked schemes. In recent joint work with Khazaei and Terelius he reports vulnerabilities in the mix-net used in the recent electronic elections in Norway (EVT/EWOTE 2012), and in joint work with Khazaei and Moran he presents the first provably secure mix-net from any CCA2 secure cryptosystem (Asiacrypt 2012). He currently works on the third revision of Verificatum, an implementation of an efficient, provably secure and flexible mix-net.