David Staggs
Technologist / IP Attorney, Staggs PLLC
Technologist / IP Attorney, Staggs PLLC
David Staggs leads Staggs PLLC and has over 30 years of experience in cybersecurity, health IT standards, healthcare policy, and patient privacy. For the last 10 years, Mr. Staggs has specialized in developing healthcare and security standards with a focus on the sharing of electronic health records. Mr. Staggs has written eight international standards, acknowledged in fourteen standards, and participated in several government initiatives advancing security and privacy in healthcare. Mr. Staggs has been co-chair in the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) and Health Level Seven (HL7). He has spoken at RSA, IEEE, OMG, HL7, PPR and more. Mr. Staggs is a licensed attorney, holds a CISSP, and is in the RSA® Conference Members Circle.