Brian Abe
Department Head, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
Department Head, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
Brian Abe is Department Head at the National Cybersecurity Federally Funded Research and Development Center, operated by the MITRE Corporation, in support of the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE). He leads the organization as it tackles some of our nation’s most pressing cybersecurity challenges. The NCCoE is a collaborative hub where businesses, government agencies and academia work together to address broad cybersecurity problems. Previously, Abe spent seven years leading teams to support biometric operations and technology evaluation, and then moved to running teams that supported biometric data sharing and formatting. Before biometrics, Abe supported flight testing and payload integration activities. He holds a degree in aerospace engineering and an MBA from West Virginia University.