For the internet economy to continue to grow, users must trust that their personal information will be secure and their privacy protected. The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) Online Trust Audit evaluates nearly 1,000 websites against over 50 detailed metrics to analyze security, privacy and consumer protection practices. Now in its 8th year, the 2016 Audit set an even higher bar and companies achieving prestigious Honor Roll status show exceptional commitment to best practices and trust leadership. The Audit has been embraced by organizations worldwide as an objective benchmark report. Join Craig Spiezle, CEO & Executive Director of OTA and Jeff Wilbur, Chairman of OTA for highlights from the 2016 Online Trust Audit & Honor Roll to learn how best practices are good for your brand reputation and consumer trust, while better securing your data and your site.
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Jul. 11, 2016 | 2016 OTA Online Trust Audit & Honor Roll Highlights
Craig Spiezle
Founder, Agelight Advisory and Research Group
Jeff Wilbur
Director, Online Trust Alliance Initiative, Internet Society
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