The new age of innovation will enable unbelievable convenience and incredible advances in enterprise technologies. Adoption of enterprise IoT is accelerating quickly from manufacturing to transportation and utilities to healthcare as it provides a plethora of insight to strengthen machine learning and help humans do their jobs better and more efficiently. However, the innovation and proliferation of connected devices provides expanded vulnerabilities and a lucrative market for cybercriminals. What are these vulnerabilities and what big idea solutions are in the works to address these IoT threats? Do artificial intelligence and machine learning enable new opportunities to defend against such threats or will the opponent get access to the same data and technology leading to a cyber-arms race? Hosted by RSAC and the National Cyber Security Alliance, great minds will debate these issues and more in honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month.
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in Webcasts
Can the Internet of Insecure Things Be Saved?
October 19, 2017 | 10:00 AM PT | 1:00 PM ET
Michael Kaiser
President & CEO, Defending Digital Campaigns
Mark McGovern
VP Product Management, CA
Mobile & IoT Security
Internet of Things
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