Cybersecurity Futures 2025: Insights and Findings for RSAC

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Cybersecurity Futures 2025: Insights and Findings for RSAC

July 10, 2019 | 10:00 AM PT | 1:00 PM ET

How will digital geopolitics drive transnational realignments and industrial policy in the future? Where will the greatest cybersecurity challenges—and new black markets—lie?

In this webcast, we ill explore these questions and others through the lens of Cybersecurity Futures 2025. And we'll share findings from our research, which challenged RSAC participants to think about their strategic priorities under four different future scenarios. 

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Ann Cleaveland

Executive Director, UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity

Dawn Thomas

Associate Director, CNA’s Institute for Public Research

Steve Weber

Professor, University of California Berkeley

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