Fixing the Gaps in the Cyber Workforce (Part 2)

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Fixing the Gaps in the Cyber Workforce (Part 2)

September 13, 2023 | 1:00 PM PT | 4:00 PM ET

In the first of this two part-series, the panel level-set the expectations for workforce development, certifications, and shared some approaches for fixing the skills gap. This second panel will take a deeper look at the skills today's security and privacy teams need, discuss how it ties into mandates/frameworks, how the industry is looking at solving skills validation, and put forth additional and case studies. Panelists are members of the Cybersecurity Credentials Collaborative (C3).

Jon Brandt

Director of Professional Practices and Innovation, ISACA

Rick Gamache

Director, Standards and Practices, ISC2

Margaret Honda

Director of Academic Relations, IAPP

Professional Development & Personnel Management

case studies innovation security education

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