Fixing the Gaps in the Cyber Workforce (Part 1)

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Fixing the Gaps in the Cyber Workforce (Part 1)

September 13, 2023 | 10:00 AM PT | 1:00 PM ET

Often the cybersecurity industry talks about the shortage of the workforce, but many ignore the real concern which is essentially both a skills and expectations gap. During this panel attendees will hear from the top certification bodies who will discuss what they are doing to fix those gaps including solutions and case studies for both entry and established cybersecurity professionals. Panelists are members of the Cybersecurity Credentials Collaborative (C3).

Andrea Bucklaew

Manager, Certification Department, CertNexus

Brian Correia

Director of Business Development, GIAC

James Stanger

Chief Technology Evangelist, CompTIA

Jim Wiggins

Founder & CEO, Federal IT Security Institute (FITSI)

Professional Development & Personnel Management

case studies innovation Security Education / Certifications

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