Mitigating Russian State-Sponsored Cyber Threats to US Critical Infrastructure

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Mitigating Russian State-Sponsored Cyber Threats to US Critical Infrastructure

May 10, 2022 | 11:00 AM PT | 2:00 PM ET


Join FBI Cyber personnel from various roles for an unclassified online awareness session in furtherance of understanding and mitigating Russia state-sponsored cyber threats to US critical infrastructure. This session provides:

  • An overview of the tools, techniques, tactics, and procedures Russian state-sponsored cybercriminal actors have used in the past.
  • Increased awareness of these threats and details on how attendees should prepare for cyber attacks that may result from the evolving situation with Russia and Ukraine.
  • Materials containing unclassified Indicators of Compromise (IOCs).
  • Information about Federal resources that may be of assistance.

Andrei Bodnya

Computer Scientist, FBI

Robert Knake

Acting Principal Deputy National Cyber Director, Office of the National Cyber Director

Jessica Nye

Special Agent, FBI

Bryan Vorndran

Assistant Director, FBI

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