This session covers the most important, interesting and impactful technical standards, hot off the press and *so* 2022. From the internet and all its things, to the latest cybersecurity defenses, including 5G updates (yes, it’s not finished yet!) and more acronyms than one can shake a stick at, this session has it covered. Join to learn about the newest technologies and play standards bingo. Be sure to review Bret and Kirsty's original session and come to this interactive follow up prepared to listen and learn with our presenters and other attendees who are similarly interested in this topic as they deliver a quick summary of their session, share new insights they've had since the presentation was delivered, and engage with you and your questions on this topic.
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in Top-Rated Session Follow Ups
October 26, 2022 | Bingo! 10 Security Standards in 2022 You Can’t Live Without: Top-Rated Session Follow Up with Bret and Kirsty
1:00 PM ET | 10:00 AM PT
Watch the original session on demand, anytime.
DevSecOps & Application Security Risk Management & Governance Technology Infrastructure & Operations
cryptography Internet of Things network security security awareness standards & frameworks
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