Crawl,Walk, Run: Building Aerospace Cybersecurity Talent

Posted on in Presentations

While passenger safety is at an all-time high, the increasing adoption of connected technologies exposes aircraft, airports, satellites, and the interdependent aerospace ecosystem to new types of risks. Join us to find out how we are working to build, inspire, and promote an inclusive community of next-generation aerospace cybersecurity expertise and leaders.

This session will follow Chatham House Rule to allow for free exchange of information and learning. We look forward to participants actively engaging in the discussion, and remind attendees that no comment attribution or recording of any sort should take place.

Please note you are only able to Schedule/Reserve one Birds of a Feather session.

This is a capacity-controlled session. If added to your schedule and your availability changes, please remove this session from your schedule to allow others to participate.

Dr. Ella Atkins


Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Robotics, University of Michigan

Matthew Martin


Director, Aerospace Village

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