Supply Chain Security for Critical Energy Infrastructure

Posted on in Presentations

In recent years, cybersecurity of critical energy infrastructure (CEI)—electric power, natural gas, petroleum and petrochemicals—has increased significantly. The bad guys know this, which is why they are now attacking through the soft underbelly of CEI – the supply chain. How can energy companies protect their critical infrastructure from supply chain threats?

Learning Objectives:
1: Hear how other organizations and industries address supply chain security.
2: Learn about different approaches to the problem of assuring vendor security.
3: Hear different perspectives on the role of contract language in supply chain security.

General understanding of supply chain risks, supply chain risk management and supply chain threats to the energy industry.
Tom Alrich


Owner, Tom Alrich LLC

Sharla Artz


Vice President, Government Affairs, Policy & Cybersecurity, UTC

Art Conklin


Associate Professor, University of Houston

Marcus Sachs


SVP and Chief Engineer, Center for Internet Security

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