Hello? It’s Me, Your Not So Smart Device. We Need to Talk.

Posted on in Presentations

We’ve spent the past four years trying to find an abstract way to look at IoT security and how it affects both the Internet at a global scale as well as the individual user. This talk will cover a quick crash course in hardware hacking, the most sophisticated botnets available as well as live demos of breaking into seemingly impossible to hack devices.

Learning Objectives:
1: Understand how easy IoT hacking is and encourage the research communities to focus more on it.
2: Learn why vendors must focus on quickly acknowledging issues reported by researchers and pushing fixes.
3: Learn basic and advanced IoT security research techniques.

Unix basics (basic commands like netcat, grep, strings, compilers, encoders); networking basics (tcpdump, wireshark).

Alex Jay Balan


Chief Security Researcher, Bitdefender

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