Getting Product Cybersecurity Right in a Large Mature Corporation

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Lessons learned on what it takes to secure consumer and B2B products in a large multinational corporation. This talk will give practical techniques and examples to help you answer questions like these: How much is enough? How do I evolve an existing organization to become cyber-literate? How do I gain the support and buy-in for a right-sized program that protects what we sell?

Learning Objectives:
1: Learn what it takes to evolve a traditional industrial company to embrace cybersecurity.
2: Learn a simple recipe to follow for building a successful cyber-program.
3: Learn techniques to use to help attract and retain talent so the cyber-program is sustainable.

Basic understanding of typical software development lifecycle methods and the implementation of cybersecurity as part of that (SSDLC).

Matthew Bohne


VP, Chief Product Security Officer, Honeywell Building Technologies

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