Delivering Automated, Modern Enterprise App Auth in Old Orgs, Quickly

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Jon Lehtinen has helped two large, 100+ year companies convert their thousands of apps from costly and proprietary WAM to OIDC/OAuth/SAML, all delivered through self-service tools for app integration. This saves millions in operating costs, and positions them to rapidly adopt and benefit from future auth profiles and APIs. Come learn how they did it and how you can modernize your auth strategy, too.

Learning Objectives:
1: Learn how to achieve self-service through standards, not bespoke, one-off app auth solutions.
2: See how modern auth empowers new biz/sec capabilities, and why its worth it to convert.
3: Understand how to use business levers to change biz behavior, not tech superiority arguments.

General awareness of enterprise authentication technologies.

Jon Lehtinen


Director of Okta on Okta, IDPro Board Member, Okta, IDPro

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