How Can We Regulate Critical Energy Infrastructure Security?

Posted on in Presentations

Successful cyberattacks against the power distribution grid in the Ukraine, and physical attacks against power transmission in the US, have demonstrated that attacks on Critical Energy Infrastructure (CEI) are no longer just found in movies. How can cyber and physical security of CEI be regulated, while avoiding the shortcomings of the current NERC CIP standards for the electric power sector?

Learning Objectives:
1: Explore ways are we vulnerable to Critical Energy Infrastructure attacks.
2: Learn from the power industry’s experience with NERC CIP.
3: Understand possible compliance regimes for Critical Energy Infrastructure.

Tom Alrich


Owner, Tom Alrich LLC

Art Conklin


Associate Professor, University of Houston

Marcus Sachs


SVP and Chief Engineer, Center for Internet Security

Mark Weatherford


CISO, AlertEnterprise and Chief Strategy Officer, National Cybersecurity Center

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