Customer Losses: Who’s Going to Sue You (and What You Can Do about It)

Posted on in Presentations

Financial institutions need to secure their own infrastructure, but that’s only part of the solution—and not enough. Individual clients are losing millions, and banks, title companies and law firms are being sued by clients for negligent security practices. This session will present threat models, security standards that need to be followed, and ways to reduce risk of the hack and being sued.

Learning Objectives:
1: Learn how to reduce risk of legal liability from customer losses.
2: Understand how to achieve better compliance with industry security standards.
3: Discover how to reduce risks of customer financial loss.
James Denaro


Associate General Counsel for Intellectual Property, PhishMe, Inc.

Avivah Litan


VP and Distinguished Analyst, Gartner

Judith Pinto


Director, Promontory Financial Group

Randy Sabett


Special Counsel, Cooley LLP

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