Battle Royale: Who Wins in Vendor Security?

Posted on in Presentations

Vendor risk management is a necessity that continues to grow and change with the rise of SaaS everything. Managing vendor risk as a buyer and responding to assessments as a seller can be brutal work. This panel will feature perspectives from both sides of the table—a customer doing his due diligence and a vendor who has encountered many vendor security questionnaires. Who wins in the end? Find out.

Learning Objectives:
1: Find out what it’s like to be a buyer evaluating security risk of SaaS vendors.
2: Discover what it’s like to be a vendor responding to security questionnaires.
3: Learn real techniques that are used by vendor security practitioners.

Michael Rodriguez


Senior Application Security Analyst, Teradata Corporation

Andreas Tiefenthaler


Security Consultant, GuardRails

Caroline Wong


Chief Strategy Officer, Cobalt

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