Asia-Pacific and Views on the Resurrected UN Norms Process

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The creation of two UN cyber-initiatives in 2019 presents an opportunity to discuss peace and stability in cyberspace. Both the UN Group of Governmental Experts (UNGGE) and a new UN Open-Ended Working Group will consider issues relating to responsible state behaviour. Experts from the Indo-Pacific region in the new UNGGE will look at next steps in norms and the application of international law in cyberspace.

Learning Objectives:
1: Relate to efforts of building a universal normative framework for responsible state behavior
2: Review the proposed workplans for the UNGGE and OEWG in relation to the APJ region
3: Identify opportunities for multi-stakeholder contributions informing government representatives
Grata Endah Werdaningtyas


Director of International Security and Disarmament, Indonesia Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bart Hogeveen


Head of Cyber Capacity Building, ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre

David Koh


Chief Executive, Cyber Security Agency of Singapore

Johanna Weaver


Special Adviser to Australia’s Ambassador for Cyber Affairs, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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