Until I got a copy of Sousveillance, Media and Strategic Political Communication: Iraq, USA, UK, I have never heard of the term sousveillance. It is defined as both the recording of an activity by a participant in the activity typically by way of small wearable or portable personal technologies, and also described as inverse surveillance, i.e. from the word surveillance which is formed from "sur" (French for "from above") and "veiller" (French for "to watch"), by changing "sur" to "sous" (French for "from below").
The book’s 5 chapters provide 5 case studies in politics, media studies and cultural studies, social media and more, primarily around the Iraq war.
The author Dr. Vian Bakir uses the book to detail the implications of sousveillant web-based activities.
The book takes a look at how YouTube, blogs, and other social media channels were and are being used in Iraq and other societies.
Looks to be a fascinating book. Full review to follow.