Each year we survey our Conference attendees to understand how we can improve and enrich their Conference experience. We asked for feedback, and you responded. One common thread across all of the survey responses was that RSAC attendees come to Conference to learn, but they also really value the networking experience.
We know that attendees come back year after year to see friends they’ve met and strengthen connections made. Many people come to Conference with an issue to solve. In an effort to provide space where our attendees can engage even more in more interactive, collaborative and cooperative learning, we are excited to introduce the new RSAC Engagement Zone.
What is the RSAC Engagement Zone (and What Happened to Peer2Peer)?
Peer2Peer sessions were group discussions around specific security topics, where participants had the chance to really dig deeply into a topic that they cared about with a group of peers. This year we’ve expanded the concept of peer to peer networking and engagement, growing the dedicated space and driving new opportunities to better help a greater number of our attendees find others with like interests and engage in formal and informal discussion.
The RSAC Engagement Zone, available to Full Conference attendees, will be a designated space located in Moscone West where attendees can go to talk – where they can easily engage in more intimate conversations with their peers. Part of the Engagement Zone will be a separate room where attendees can schedule small group and 1:1 networking meetings. Running concurrently in the adjoining space will be Problem Solving, Speed Networking, Birds of a Feather and Cooperative Learning. What does all that mean? Here’s a quick overview:
Get Ready for Your 1:1 Connections!
Easily find and schedule meetups with like-minded individuals. Search for other attendees with similar interests and arrange either one-on-one or small group discussions. A concierge will be available to help participants find each other and manage the reserved seating.
Problem Solving
Add your know-how and experience into the mix as you join other participants to solve a predetermined problem. Interaction will be key as you work together to identify potential and actionable solutions.
Speed Networking
Looking to meet many people, quickly, during your time at RSA Conference? Participate in Speed Networking which offers the perfect opportunity to rapidly break the ice with dozens of people. A rotating seating plan and tight time keeping allow attendees to maximize their ability to quickly meet new people and make connections for the week and beyond.
Birds of a Feather Can Still Fly Together
Birds of a Feather sessions are back in an expanded format this year. Attendees will be able to actively participate in discussion sessions throughout the day in a variety of different ways. The space will offer many published, planned sessions, led by some of our speakers, on a wide range of topics. Additionally, there will be open, non-scheduled space all day to accommodate newly spun up, free form discussions. Perhaps a speaker wants to offer extended Q&A with some session attendees or a group of interested attendees wants some work space to meet together to dig into a specific topic. This space is yours to engage and discuss, allowing attendees to expand their networks and enrich their perspectives as they flock together with others interested in exploring similar topics.
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning sessions are based on the premise that learning through exploration is powerful and everyone in the room has rich expertise and perspective to add to the conversation. The sessions begin with a facilitator who delivers a concentrated 10- to 15-minute presentation followed by a focused Q&A and small group discussions. The sessions close with participants sharing their findings with the larger group.
Networking has always been a core elements of RSAC and we hope that you’ll enjoy the new RSAC Engagement Zone.