David Warburton
Director, Threat Research, F5 Labs
Director, Threat Research, F5 Labs
David Warburton is the Director of Threat Research Team, F5 Labs. He has worked in the IT industry for over 20 years, starting life as a full stack developer before wrangling with the perils of cloud architecture and then moving to the serene and peaceful life of cybersecurity. His research covers a wide range of topics from the deeply technical, such as cryptography, to the more real-world sociotechnical side of security. He has appeared on BBC News, Sky News, and other TV and print media. David co-authored the SSL/TLS/HTTPS scanning CI/CD tool ‘Cryptonice’ and received a master's degree with distinction in Information Security from Royal Holloway University of London where his thesis was on the use of security and cryptography in IoT protocols.