David Gorodyansky
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, AnchorFree
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, AnchorFree
David Gorodyansky was 23 years old when he co-founded AnchorFree with a belief that all users should be in control on the Web. Gorodyansky has raised $63 million in three venture rounds for AnchorFree and has grown the company to profitability. He was the youngest member on the Technology Advisory Council to Gavin Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco. Currently, he is an investor and sits on the board of GlobeIn.com, a marketplace working to connect a billion artisans from developing countries to buyers in the developed world, as well as Venturocket, a startup helping match job seekers with jobs. At AnchorFree, he has authored 25 U.S. patents.