RSAC™ 2025 Conference (“RSAC 2025”) will take place in and around the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California (the “Venue”) on April 28-May 1. By registering for RSAC 2025, you agree to the following terms and conditions.
RSA Conference LLC (“RSAC”) reserves the right to update and change any part or all these Registration Terms and Conditions at any time without notifying you first. If any changes to these Registration Terms and Conditions have a material effect on the privacy of individuals, RSAC will follow applicable privacy regulation obligations. If RSAC updates or changes these Registration Terms and Conditions, the updated Registration Terms and Conditions will be posted on the RSAC 2025 website. By registering for RSAC 2025, you hereby consent to these Registration Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.
Attendees must be at least 18 years of age to attend RSAC 2025 and all related events, including evening events. RSAC, where applicable, provides technology and/or event related services in accordance with all applicable laws within the United States and in other jurisdictions where it conducts business. As such, RSAC may prohibit an individual from a restricted country or territory from RSAC 2025 registration. All decisions are in RSAC’s sole discretion and shall be considered final.
The registration fees for RSAC 2025 passes are:
REGISTRATION PASS TYPE | EARLY BIRD (until January 10, 2025) |
DISCOUNT (January 11, 2025 thru March 28, 2025*) |
STANDARD (March 29, 2025 thru April 25, 2025) |
ONSITE PURCHASE (commencing April 26, 2025) |
Full Conference | $2195 | $2395 | $2695 | $2995 |
Full Conference Student/Faculty | $725 | $800 | $875 | $950 |
Full Conference One Day | $1250 | $1365 | $1535 | $1705 |
Full Conference Group (5-14 attendees) Discount Purchase | $2095 | $2295 | $2595 | $2895 |
Full Conference Group (15-24 attendees) Discount Purchase | $1995 | $2195 | $2495 | $2795 |
Full Conference Group (25 more attendees) Discount Purchase | $1895 | $2095 | $2395 | $2695 |
Expo Plus | $395 | $495 | $595 | $695 |
Expo | n/a | $99 | $99 | $99 |
On Demand | n/a | $595 | $695 | $795 |
*On Demand Discount Period is from 2/14-3/28.
Payment by bank transfer or by check can be made through March 28, 2025. After March 28, 2025, all payment must be made by credit card.
If you are paying by check, the envelope must be postmarked by the corresponding discount deadline date to receive the discount pricing. A purchase order is not an accepted form of payment. If you arrive at RSAC 2025 with a balance due, you will be required to pay the full onsite price for the registration pass type selected. If you have an On Demand pass and there is a balance due on the first day of RSAC 2025, your login credentials will be blocked until the balance is paid.
Only ONE (1) discount may be applied to each registration pass. Under no circumstances can any discounts be combined. Your fees must be paid in full before the respective Early Bird, Discount, or Standard deadlines to receive the pricing for those discounts.
Retroactive application of discount codes is not allowed. Requests for any exception must be made in writing to RSAC at All decisions are at RSAC’s sole discretion and are final.
If you purchase:
- Five to fourteen (5-14) Full Conference Passes at the same time, you will automatically receive a $100 discount per attendee registration;
- Fifteen to twenty-four (15-24) Full Conference Passes at the same time, you will automatically receive a $200 discount per attendee registration;
- Twenty-five or more (25+) Full Conference Passes at the same time, you will automatically receive a $300 discount per attendee registration.
To receive the Group Discount, you will be required to purchase all the Full Conference, Expo Plus, or On Demand passes using one payment method in a single transaction (bank transfer or check through March 28th or one (1) credit card). At the time of purchase, you will be sent, via email, a code (“Registration Code”) unique to your company that you can distribute to the individuals in your group. Each individual will be required to enter this group Registration Code as they begin their registration process.
To qualify for the Full Conference Student/Faculty Discount, proof of your student/faculty standing will be required during RSAC 2025 registration check-in. Students must bring a copy of their current class schedule showing enrollment in a minimum of twelve (12) units or credits and a valid student ID. Students must also be at least 18 years old at the time of attendance. Full-time faculty (defined as instructors/teachers/professors at an accredited university or college) must provide a valid university or college photo ID or official letter from the faculty’s institution verifying faculty status.
Failure to produce proof of student/faculty status will result in a charge of the Onsite Full Conference Pass registration fee of $2995.
Current full-time employees of U.S. federal, state, or local government agencies and current full-time employees of international government agencies will receive $300 off their Full Conference Pass registration fees. To qualify for the discount, you must show a current, valid government identification card during RSAC 2025 registration check-in. If you are unable to provide valid ID, you will be charged the Onsite Full Conference Pass registration fee of $2995.
Accepted government identification includes:
- Government-issued Visa, MasterCard, or American Express
- Government-issued picture ID
- Military picture ID
- Federally Funded Research Development Corp (FFRDC) ID
Government contractors, including contractors working on government “Cost Reimbursable Contracts”, are not eligible for the government discount.
If you have registered for a Full Conference or Expo Plus Pass and can no longer attend RSAC 2025; you may cancel your registration by providing written notice to RSAC at RSAC’s refund policy is
- Cancellation on or before January 10, 2025: Full refund of registration fee (less a one-time $25 administration fee)
- Cancellation between January 11, 2025 and March 28, 2025: 50% refund of registration fee
- Cancellation or change after March 28, 2025: There are no refunds. If you have extenuating circumstances, please reach out with an email to: and requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
There are no refunds for the cancellation of an Expo Pass.
If you cancel or change your registration in accordance with these terms and are allowed a refund, RSAC will refund any applicable fees within sixty (60) days after receipt of the cancellation or change notice. Refunds are sent using the same payment method you used during registration. Credit card refunds must be issued to the original credit card. NOTE: If you do not attend RSAC 2025 and did not cancel or change your registration but have paid your registration fee, you will not be refunded.
Please remember that canceling or changing your registration will not automatically cancel any hotel and travel arrangements you made. You are solely responsible for canceling your own hotel and travel reservations. RSAC takes no responsibility for any damages, costs, or losses should you cancel or change your registration or if RSAC 2025 is cancelled or postponed.
RSAC may cancel your registration at any time for convenience. Upon such cancellation for convenience by RSAC, RSAC shall refund any fees previously paid.
Requests for attendee substitutions must be made in writing by the original registrant to Please note:
- The substituted individual must be from the same organization as the original registrant.
- A maximum of one (1) substitution per original registrant is allowed.
- There will be a $25 processing fee for any substitution.
It is your sole responsibility to take care of visa requirements. If you require an entry visa, you must allow sufficient time for the visa application procedure. Your registration details may be shared by RSAC with the immigration authorities to assist in the process. However, RSAC will not contact embassies and consulates on your behalf.
To receive an invitation letter for RSAC 2025, you must first register and pay the registration fees in full. You will have the option to request an invitation letter during the registration process. Also note that invitation letters will only be issued to Full Conference Pass attendees and to exhibitors.
If you are not granted a visa, your registration fees or exhibitor fees will be reimbursed (less a $25 administrative fee) only if you provide with an official document from local immigration authorities, showing the visa rejection and that the application was made at least one month (no later than March 28, 2025) before RSAC 2025.
You agree that you have read and understand the information outlined on the RSAC 2025 Health & Safety Hub regarding the latest health and safety protocols to attend RSAC 2025 in person. You understand this information can change at any time.
You understand that participation in events and travel to and around San Francisco will increase your risk of, exposure to, and contraction of, communicable diseases, bacteria, agents, and viruses such as COVID-19. Regarding COVID-19, you acknowledge and understand that COVID-19 is a highly contagious and dangerous disease that spreads easily through person-to-person contact. You further acknowledge and accept that participating in RSAC 2025 carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid such risks, that there is presently no known way to provide complete protection from the virus, and that you could contract COVID-19 even though RSAC has taken reasonable steps to prevent the risk of transmission of COVID-19. By participating in RSAC 2025, you assume these risks and agree to release and hold harmless RSAC and the Venue, and their respective employees, agents, subcontractors, and representatives from any damages, losses, injuries, liabilities, claims, and expenses arising from the contraction or spread of communicable diseases, bacteria, agents, and viruses such as COVID-19, due to your travel to, from, or participation in any aspect of RSAC 2025. This obligation is binding on you and on your successors and heirs.
In its sole discretion and without refund or liability, RSAC reserves the right to refuse admittance to or expel from RSAC 2025 anyone that it determines is behaving in a manner that could be disruptive to RSAC 2025 or any other attendee.
A government issued photo ID is required to collect RSAC 2025 credentials/badges. Photocopies and electronic copies are not considered an acceptable form of ID. RSAC 2025-issued credentials are the sole property of RSAC and must be surrendered upon demand to RSAC and/or its representatives or agents.
While onsite at RSAC 2025 or designated off-site activities, RSAC 2025-issued credentials must be prominently displayed. Badge swapping and/or sharing is strictly prohibited. Any attendee found using another attendee’s badge or loaning out their badge to another individual will have the badge confiscated and will be removed from the premises, with the other individual, without refund. If you lose your badge and/or badge holder, you will be required to purchase a new one for a fee of $50. If you find a misplaced badge, please return it to Registration.
False certification of an individual as an exhibitor’s representative, misuse of an exhibitor’s badge, or any other method or device used to assist unauthorized personnel to gain admittance to the exhibit floor (“Expo”), will be just cause for expelling the exhibitor and the representative(s) from the Expo and/or banning them from future entrance into the Expo. This would also warrant the removal of the exhibitor’s booth from the Expo without obligation on the part of RSAC to refund any fees. The exhibitor, his/her employees and agents, and anyone claiming to be in the Expo through the exhibitor, waives any rights or claims for damages arising out of the enforcement of this rule.
For all Pass holders that have access to On Demand content, login credential swapping and/or sharing is strictly prohibited. Any attendee suspected of or found using another attendee’s login credentials or loaning out their credentials to another individual will have their credentials revoked without refund.
Suitcasing, outboarding guerilla marketing, or similar marketing tactics are prohibited at RSAC 2025. RSAC reserves the right in its sole discretion to remove any individual from RSAC 2025 who is reported to be soliciting during RSAC 2025 and who is not an RSAC 2025 sponsor or exhibitor. RSAC encourages attendees to support the paid sponsors and exhibitors who, in turn, are supporting the industry and not to listen to a sales pitch from a non-sponsor or non-exhibitor.
The use of drones/unmanned aerial vehicles (“UAV”) is strictly prohibited at all times throughout the entire Venue and the adjacent areas outside of the Venue. UAV’s are devices that are used or intended to be used for flight in the air with no onboard pilot (either controlled manually or through an autopilot using a data link to connect the pilot to the UAV).
Any unauthorized effort to intercept digital data is strictly prohibited, such as:
- Collecting electronically transmitted data without consent of the owner of that data, or
- Collecting electronically transmitted data with consent of the data owner, but under fictitious pretenses.
This includes but is not limited to the following technologies used when collecting data under deceptive or nonconsensual means:
- RFID/radio-frequency identification
- NFC/Near-field communication
- Bluetooth wireless technology
- Wi-Fi technology
For information about RSAC’s privacy policy, see
You may be asked to scan your badge when visiting exhibitors and/or sponsors (i.e., booths) for the purposes of conducting business and marketing communications regarding their own products or services. If you agree to have your badge scanned, you are consenting to allow RSAC and its representatives and agents to share your contact data with the exhibitors or sponsors. You will be subject to such third party’s communications and privacy practices. If you wish to opt-out or exercise any applicable privacy rights you may have regarding these third-party communications, please exercise those rights directly with those third parties. Note that scanning your badge in this case is optional and you may refuse.
With respect to Session Rooms (including Track Sessions, Community Partner seminars or events, and sponsored sessions), scanning your badge is required for capacity management. Please note that if you want to take advantage of Reserve a Seat, you will be required to scan your badge. You consent to RSAC and its representatives and agents using your contact data so you can receive a session entry in the Attendance Report (report available to Expo Plus and Full Conference Pass holders only) and a session survey. While attending Community Partner seminars or events, and sponsored sessions (Partner Perspectives sessions or In Person Sponsor Briefings held in the Expo Briefing Centers), you are consenting to allow RSAC and its representatives and agents to share your contact data with such community partners, exhibitors, or sponsors. You will be subject to such third party’s communications and privacy practices. If you wish to opt-out or exercise any applicable privacy rights you may have regarding these third-party communications, please exercise those rights directly with those third parties.
RSAC 2025 is held in a public space, therefore RSAC does not prohibit attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, news organizations, or other companies from photographing RSAC 2025 activities. You may be photographed or videotaped while attending the event. You agree and accept that such photographs or videos of you may be used for future RSAC marketing materials. No remuneration will be provided for use of your image.
Video and audio recording of RSAC 2025 content is strictly prohibited unless you have obtained express written consent from RSAC.
By attending on demand Partner Perspectives track sessions or on demand Sponsor Briefings, you consent to RSAC sharing your contact data with the sponsors of those sessions. By using a registration discount or comp code provided by a sponsor or exhibitor, you consent to RSAC sharing your contact data with that sponsor or exhibitor. You will then be subject to the communications and privacy policies of that entity and should opt-out with them directly.
In order to receive continuing education credits, you consent to have RSAC share certain personal information with participating association partners for the purpose of completing the mandatory authority (e.g., member number and/or portal email address).
You also consent to RSAC using your contact data (first and last name) for “Call for Speaker” purposes. You may be nominated by a third party as a speaker for a future RSAC event through RSAC’s website. RSAC will contact you about participating, which you can decline.
You must adhere to RSAC’s Code of Conduct available at RSAC will enforce this code and expects cooperation from all RSAC 2025 participants (e.g., attendees, speakers, media, sponsors, volunteers) to help promote a safe and enjoyable RSAC 2025 experience for everyone.
The views expressed by any RSAC 2025 attendee, speaker, exhibitor, or sponsor are not necessarily those of RSAC. All RSAC 2025 attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors are solely responsible for the content of any and all individual or presentations, marketing collateral, advertising, and online Web content.
RSAC shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, strike, civil, governmental, or military authority, acts of God, acts of terrorism, acts of war, pandemic, contagions, health crises, travel restrictions, epidemics, the availability of the Venue (if applicable), or other similar causes beyond its reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of RSAC or its subcontractors such as power grid failures, internet outages, cyber warfare, cyber-attacks, ransomware attacks, cyber sabotage, civil war, sabotage or piracy. RSAC does not accept any liability on account of unavailability, interruptions, errors, or viruses, or harmful components. For one or more of such reasons, RSAC may postpone, reschedule, or cancel RSAC 2025 without liability on the part of RSAC. In the event RSAC 2025 cannot be held or is postponed pursuant to this section, RSAC shall not be liable to attendee for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodations costs, or financial losses. RSAC will review refund and/or fee transfer requests, submitted in writing, for approval on a situational basis.
Other Terms and Conditions. To the extent there is a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any general terms and conditions on our website(s) (e.g., the Legal Notice) or other terms and conditions that govern different products or services offered or provided by RSAC, then as it relates to registration and RSAC 2025, these terms and conditions control.
Updated: February 13, 2025